Benefits of Energy Medicine
Frequent lasting benefits
- Experience peace and well-being
- Function from a calm, grounded center
- Communicate more easily with others
- Rekindle energy and motivation
- Focus on the present, not the past or future
- Experience a deepening spiritual connection
- Awaken your own inner healer

Client comments
During a healing session
- Feeling safe (which is unusual for me)
- Feeling of frozen parts being thawed
- Positive visions of persons with prior conflicts
- Sadness, then tearful release (I never cry!)
- Something unlocked or shifted
- The anger drained out of me
- Awe and wonder at recovered memories
Client comments
At the end of a session
- Deeply relaxed, peaceful, and calm
- It took the edge off of my emotions
- Feeling of lightness — a weight taken off
- I don’t feel preoccupied with that issue now
- Open, upright posture (not tight, hunched)
- More energy, enthusiasm
- Warm, comforted, content, loved
- Hopeful, optimistic, joyful, excited
- The possibility of freedom
Vietnam Vet
- You provide a relaxing safe place to understand and gain relief from on-going traumas.
- I feel confident, optimistic and feel relief from PTSD.
- After the last session I felt renewed for weeks.
Vietnam Vet
- I’ve slowed down the barrage of thoughts.
- The guided journeys have brought more general awareness into my life.
Spouse of Vietnam Vet
- I haven’t felt this sense of release/lightness since I was a young child.
- I feel completely different; things that used to aggravate me just slide off now.
- I have this great feeling of happiness!
- I’m ecstatic about my sense of connection. I’ve never felt this before.
Vietnam Vet
- The sessions provided greater sense of calm, peace, and acceptance.
- And one brief, wonderful, unexpected moment of release.
- Also, through the animal totems, I found a useful tool for “self-help”.
Spouse of Iraq Vet
- I truly feel blessed to have been able to experience this healing. It was truly enlightening!
- I am more optimistic and motivated – and these feelings lasted long after the sessions.