Take the edge off
of your PTS symptoms
without touch or discussion
Do any of these sound familiar?
- You’re anxious or easily startled
- You explode with rage at minor issues
- You feel alienated from spouse and family
- You withdraw from others
- You’re haunted by survival guilt
- You seek relief in drink or worse
- Therapy sessions pour salt on your wounds
A Cape Cod resource for you
Transitioning from combat to home life presents many challenges, even with the help of counseling and medication. I offer another approach: Energy Medicine
An energy medicine session requires no discussion and involves no touching. Yet even a single session can often take the edge off of your symptoms and enable you to tackle your challenges from a more relaxed state.
The process is complementary to other healing approaches: it is not a substitute for counseling or medications, but it can often accelerate the progress of psychotherapy.

Don Cameron
Energy Medicine
Special rates for veterans and their families
I offer energy medicine services to veterans and their families at special rates: initial sessions are free.
I hold sessions in Orleans (as well as other locations) on Cape Cod. I also make house calls and do this work over the phone (really).
Why should you consider scheduling an energy medicine session?
- You haven’t yet started counseling or other talk treatments, because you don’t want to talk about (and re-live) your combat experiences
- You are already in a counseling program, but you are frustrated by the slow pace of progress
- You don’t know where to start, but your symptoms are driving you to seek help somewhere
- You’ve tried everything, but you still need more help
If any of these apply to you, please consider an initial session with me at no cost. Or if you’d just like to ask me — by phone or e-mail — about the process, click
For more details about the process, click Energy Medicine. For more about the the effects of a session, click Benefits.